Chairman Rockefeller’s Statement Supporting New Vehicle Emission Standards (CAFE)

May 19, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Obama today – for the first time in history – announced a new national policy aimed at both increasing fuel economy and reducing greenhouse gas pollution for all new cars and trucks sold in the United States.  The new standards, covering model years 2012-2016, and ultimately requiring an average fuel economy standard of 35.5 mpg in 2016, are projected to save 1.8 billion barrels of oil over the life of the program with a fuel economy gain averaging more than 5 percent per year and a reduction of approximately 900 million metric tons in greenhouse gas emissions.  This would surpass the CAFE law passed by Congress in 2007 which required an average fuel economy of 35 mpg in 2020.

United States Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV issued the following statement commending the President’s announcement:

“I am incredibly encouraged by the Obama Administration’s announcement today about a broad industry-government deal to push for higher gas mileage standards.  This is an aggressive and bold move that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil will have real benefits for our environment.   Most importantly, this new requirement of 35.5 miles per gallon will allow American consumers to pay less at the pump and put more money in their wallets.  Americans elected President Obama because they wanted a new direction – this announcement is a real solution American families will benefit from for generations to come.”
